e-Commerce has increasing becoming an integral part of most business models of organizations since the advent of Internet. In this workshop, the participants will learn the benefits of adopting ecommerce towards achieving business performance, be it tangible in the form of financial performance or intangible in terms of business visibility. It gives participants a clear view of the types of e-commerce business models adopted by today’s organizations, the key components and features for e-Commerce sites’ functionality, the types of payment system being deployed and the range of issues such as security and privacy that have implications to the success of the e-Commerce sites.
This workshop is specially designed for attendee to acquire the skill and information required to prepare them to setup and manage their e-commerce websites. It takes a practical step-by-step approach of how to setup an e-commerce and social media site using an open source Web Application. It includes the administration of a typical online store, its preparation and ultimately online.
Recognize the trends and benefits of e-commerce and social medias in sales and marketing efforts
Identify the key features of e-commerce for sales and marketing performance
Explore the different types of e-Commerce business models relevant to the business context
Adopt the revenue models for achieving sales and marketing results
Explore the types of ecommerce payment systems for customer choice
Understand the considerations when establishing and promoting the web and social medias
Identify the web site design criteria for interactive website and customer engagement
Develop e-commerce business process for market accessibility
Setup e-commerce websites and routine management
Marketing Websites through various social medias
Planning your online business to support sales and marketing objectives
Trends and benefits of e-commerce
Different type of e-commerce business model
Identify products and services to go online
Research and evaluate e-commerce platform from sales and marketing perspective
Develop an Implementation Plan
Develop your fulfilment and customer supports plan
Order Processing and payment methods
Setup and prepare an e-commerce site as a sample application
The Power of Social Media Marketing and sample application