Reading List
Body language For Management
Geoff Ribbons and Greg Whitear, 2012

As a manager, understanding body language will give you an advantage to read people well and respond appropriately to make every personal interaction more meaningful and positive. Pick up this book and read at your leisure. It takes the most ONE week to finish reading.

Not convince! the author has arranged the contents of the book to read in a week. The learning topics are self-explanatory.


Sun­day - Man­aging with­out words
Mon­day - Ac­tions speak loud­er
Tues­day - Power and in­flu­ence
Wednes­day - Per­for­mance art
Thurs­day - Sell­ing your­self
Fri­day - Truth de­tec­tives
Sat­ur­day - Ac­tive lis­ten­ing


I agreed with the paragraph on page 5 of the book. "Today you will learn that body language skills aren't rocket science but a combination of common sense, accurate observation, intution, reflection and application - adding meaning to what we previously took for granted. Once you have them, you will never look back" 

Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization
Olivier Blanchard, 2010

Do you want to invest in Social Media?. Not too sure what it is, the strategies and tactics to begin the social media initiative. Use this book  as a reference. It is an easy book to read for layman as well as professional marketers. 

The content at a glance is super captivating and influencing enough to make you feel like buying. (Well, I bought it)

  • Social media program development
  • Social media program management 
  • Social media program measurement
  • Social media program integration


Start a journey of social media program development to management and measurement to help you produce results.