Why You Should Attend This Course
Think about your last meeting. Was it boring? Meetings often are. Those who attend meetings are usually as bored with them as the people responsible for running them. This workshop explores active ways to make meetings fruitful. You’ll learn to conduct meetings that stay sharply focused, how to turn participants into valuable contributors and make decisions that result in actionable tasks.
What YOU will Cover
- Identify the procedures to prepare a meeting
- Set the meeting agreement for all to follow
- Conduct the meeting by having a checklist
- End the meeting on a positive note for actionable plans
- Write a personal plan of action on the lessons learnt
Course Outline:
The Pre-Meeting Phase
- Decide - to meet or not
- Layouts for Setting up a Meeting Room
- Set Goals and Choose the Means
- Work out the Agenda and picking who should attend
- Setting the Meeting’s Ground Rules
- Preparation is Everyone’s Responsibility
The Actual Meeting
- Facilitating the Meeting as Chairperson
- Assigning the Roles and Responsibilities
- Informing and Discussing
- Control or Chaos?
- Working with Different Styles
- How to Deal with Difficult Participants
- Time-keeping during Meetings
- Getting a Decision
- Contributing Positively during the Meeting as a Participant
Ending the Meeting with Actionable Plans
- Writing the Minutes (an overview only in this workshop)
- Closing the Meeting
- Evaluating Your Performance
My Personal Plan of Action after this Workshop