Winning Sales Opportunities with Effective Tele-sales Strategies and Techniques

Top tele-sales performers are effective and forward thinking to adapt their sales strategies and techniques at all times to cope with the changing situations. They have the abilities to engage customers on the phone successfully by creating positive memorable tele-sales interactions and meaningful sales conversations to win over customers from their competitors.


In this workshop, the tele-salesperson will learn and apply the relevant tele-sales strategies, skills and techniques through practical selling activities for successful tele-selling.  


Workshop Benefits

  • Plan and prepare for tele-sales consulting to maximize your results
  • Apply tele-sales techniques that address and respond to the buyers’ behaviours and context
  • Increase confidence to create positive memorable tele-sales interactions and experiences


Learning Outcomes

  • Plan and align tele-sales strategy with the customers’ buying strategy, purpose and behaviors
  • Open the tele-sales call with a personalized introduction to create a good first impression
  • Articulate value proposition message or the tele-sales script that addresses and responds to the unique needs and situation of the customers
  • Manage your voice projection when presenting to the customers for better customer engagement and customer trust
  • Use the right words and phrases to different types of customers to improve the sales outcomes
  • Listen actively and ask relevant questions to manage customer concerns and respond with relevant solutions to resolve customer problems
  • Adapt communication styles that respond to various types of customers
  • Avoid the pitfalls of tele-sales to leave a positive impression on the customer




This is a practical and interactive workshop using realistic sales scenarios. The learning methodologies include the participants engaging in experiential hands-on learning through mini-lectures, assessments, group discussion, role plays, skills-building activities. Facilitator debriefing will engage and encourage peers and groups when conducting gap-analysis for their reflections, reviews and, critiques on areas of improvements.


Group size:                     up to 12 persons


Course Duration:          1 day, 9:00- 5:00pm


Target Audience:        

Tele-sales professional, business development executives and managers, new sales people, anyone who does sales and consulting over the phone.